Are you thinking about throwing in the towel?

Are you thinking about throwing in the towel? Don’t do it! Pick it back up and look for somebody’s feet to wash! What made you consider quitting anyway? Was it because somebody said: it’s cancer or You’re fired or it’s twins or I don’t want you anymore or There’s nothing more we can do or I’ve had a wreck or We’ve been broken into!

Sure, things happen that may be out of your control and these may change everything. They may be out of your control but there is nothing that we can’t turn over to our Creator. You may have made mistakes but you have also been blessed by God more than you deserve and for that reason you are going to pick up that towel and look for somebody to serve. Say it clearly and boldly to Jesus, to yourself and to everybody else: I am a servant of the Lord and will continue to be one unto the end. Now how can I help you?

Don’t think that you can’t serve others while you yourself need help. Much to the contrary. On the very days that the disciples disappointed Jesus with their selfishness, the Sanhedrin plotted to kill him, Judas betrayed him for silver coins, Peter denied him with swearing and the crowds shouted in the streets We don’t want him give us Barrabas! Those were the days that Jesus took up a towel to wash dirty feet. So can we.

We can do all things who through Jesus who strengthens us.


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